7 Essential Oils for Adrenal Fatigue

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Essential Oils for Adrenal Fatigue that Help Relieve Exhaustion and other Symptoms!

Using essential oils for adrenal fatigue is one of the best natural ways to fight this disorder!

Essential Oils for Adrenal FatigueAdrenal fatigue which is quite different from chronic fatigue syndrome is caused by intense and PROLONGED STRESS.

Like CFS, it can take several years to diagnose adrenal fatigue, making it very frustration to sufferers!

Our adrenal glands are responsible for the production of more than 50 hormones that are essential to optimal functioning of our body.

Too much stress overwhelms the adrenal glands and renders them incapable of handling the stress put on them, thus leading to adrenal fatigue or dysfunction

If this condition is ignored or persists, it could lead to more chronic health condition down the road.

Adrenal fatigue is becoming more common in the recent times, with so many people unknowingly living with the condition.

This is basically as a result of our modern day fast paced and busy lifestyle with very little rest and sleep.

Other factors that can contribute to this condition include unhealthy eating habits and too much caffeine consumption.

Chronic infection or disease, traumatic experience, environmental toxins and pollution are also culprits as they tend to increase the level of cortisone (stress hormone) in the blood.

Although drugs are always the medical option for this condition, using essential oils for adrenal fatigue can be quite helpful. Moreover, essential oils do not have the nasty side effects associated with the prescription pills.

Before discussing the essential oils for adrenal exhaustion, let’s first take a look at the symptoms of this disorder!

Possible Symptoms of Adrenal fatigue

  • Extreme exhaustion
  • Insomnia (tired during the day and awake at night)
  • Frequent constipation
  • Irritability
  • Severe allergies to several things
  • Blurred vision
  • Restless legs and hands
  • Decreased cognitive ability
  • Reduced productivity
  • Cravings for sweet and salty foods

Best Essential Oils for Adrenal Fatigue

#1. Rosemary

Rosemary is known to reduce cortisone (the stress hormone) level, thereby helping to lower stress and anxiety. And taking some of that stress load off your adrenal glands is very important. It helps to reduce fatigue as well as improve the overall efficiency of the adrenal glands. Add 2-3 drops of rosemary EO to a tissue and inhale several times to help reduce your stress level!

#2. Thyme

Thyme has relaxing and calming effects, which are particularly helpful for relieving stress and anxiety. This makes it great for fighting mental fatigue! It also helps to balance the hormones produced in the adrenal glands.

#3. Lavender

Lavender has calming, relaxing and soothing effects that help to relieve stress and aid sleep. People with adrenal fatigue often struggle with insomnia, so getting quality sleep is absolutely important.

Click here to learn how to use lavender essential oil to reduce stress

Getting enough sleep and rest also helps to reduce stress, which is actually the main culprit behind adrenal dysfunction.

Stress causes sleeplessness, and lack of sleep leads to more stress and exhaustion. In fact stress and insomnia actually feed off each other, leading to a dreadful vicious cycle!

Read this article to learn how to use lavender for sleep

#4. Nutmeg

Nutmeg is one of the best essential oils for adrenal fatigue because it supports adrenal functions by reducing fatigue and boosting energy levels.

#5. Lime

The uplifting and stimulating aroma of lime essential oil helps to relieves mental exhaustion, boosts energy and relieves stress, anxiety and depression.

#6. Manuka

Manuka fights inflammation in the system, relieves stress and anxiety as well as reduce exhaustion. It’s calming and relaxing effects help to induce sleep.

#7. Clove

Clove boosts immune system, increases circulation and increases energy levels. It is also used for oral health – toothache and gum disease!

How to Use Essential Oils for Adrenal Fatigue

Because stress is the major cause of adrenal fatigue, it is important to ensure that you strive to lower your stress levels. Most of the essential oils mentioned above have stress reducing effects you can take advantage of.

There are several ways to use essential oils for adrenal exhaustion and they include:

  • Inhale – Add 2-3 drops of the essential oil on a tissue and inhale to help relieve stress and increase energy.
  • Diffuser – Use a diffuser to disperse the oils, the oils work as you inhale the mist.
  • Topical Use – Make a balm or roller bottle with the essential oils. Rub on the inner arch of your soles (adrenal flex points) or on your back above your kidneys.
  • Bath – Add a few drops of lavender or any other relaxing EO (diluted) to warm bath and soak for 20 minutes to help you relax before bed.

Relax Synergy (Mental Relaxation) Essential Oil Blend. 10 ml. 100% Pure, Therapeutic Grade.Relax Synergy (Mental Relaxation) Essential Oil Blend. 10 ml. 100% Pure, Therapeutic Grade.Energy Synergy Essential Oil Blend (Physical Energy). 10 ml. 100% Pure, Undiluted, Therapeutic Grade.Energy Synergy Essential Oil Blend (Physical Energy). 10 ml. 100% Pure, Undiluted, Therapeutic Grade.Essenzia Essential Oil Tools & Accessories - Aromatherapy Carrier Oil Kit.Essenzia Essential Oil Tools & Accessories – Aromatherapy Carrier Oil Kit.

Safety First When Using Essential Oils

If you have never used a certain essential oil it is important to do a skin patch test prior to topically using! See my sections on topical use and other essential oil safety concerns:

Other Natural Ways to Fight Adrenal Dysfunction

  • Diet – We are what we eat remember! So clean up your diet. Eat real foods prepared by you from scratch. This may mean more cooking for you, but boosting your energy and general well-being is worth the effort.
  • Caffeine/Nicotine – Yes, coffee may give you that bust of energy, but it’s only temporary. That bust of energy is only followed by a “crash”. Caffeine and nicotine can lead to sleep problems, anxiety and stress.
  • Reduce Stress – I know, it’s NOT easy, but educing your stress level is one of the most effective ways to treat adrenal fatigue. Here are some of the natural ways to reduce stress!

Essential Oils for Adrenal Exhaustion

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This article is for educational and informational purposes only and does not intend to diagnose or treat any disease. It is always recommended that you seek the advise of your private medical doctor.


  1. Phylise says:

    Unless I missed it, there is no mention of the proper methods for using each of the oils and the best places to purchase them. Aside from that, I really like the page.

    • Carol Dike says:

      Sorry about that Phylise, I have updated the post to include some of the ways to use the essential oils and where to purchase them.

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