I love using lavender essential oil for anxiety and stress relief among many other uses. Let’s face, we all suffer from some measure of anxiety and stress.
Mine may not be as serious as yours, but it’s still there! So, if you are suffering from anxiety, just know that you are NOT alone.
Thankfully, we can do something about it and using essential oils is one of the best natural ways to calm anxiety and relieve stress.
Lavender and the extracts derived from its flowers have been used for centuries. Specifically, lavender has been employed to battle the symptoms of depression and anxiety.
There’s no reason to feel self-conscious about bouts with anxiety. In fact, it is a common complaint that ranges from daily stresses to documented clinically significant symptoms that require more intense interventions.
Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) usually begins in childhood and when left untreated can lead to a chronic, potentially debilitating situation.
Those suffering from GAD often report sleep disturbances, depression, and negative affect.
Unfortunately, most pharmaceuticals to treat these issues come with a slew of unwanted and highly undesirable side-effects.
This is why people look for natural alternatives for a more holistic experience. And using lavender essential oil for anxiety and stress is one of those SAFER natural options.
Radha Beauty Lavender Essential Oil 4 Oz – 100% Pure
NOW Foods Lavender Essential Oil 100% Pure, 2 ounce
Majestic Pure Lavender Essential Oil, Therapeutic Grade, 4 fl. Oz
Lavender essential oil is derived through the process of steam distillation. There are more than 160 constituents within lavender oil and many of them provide healing effects through synergistic interactions.
Linalool, linalyl acetate, terpinen-4-ol, and camphor appear to be the most active ingredients. Of course, there are other chemicals included as well.
The amounts of these bioactive constituents varies from one lavender oil to the next. Higher quality lavender oil will include larger amounts of esters and decreased amounts of cineol.
Those with a high concentration of linalyl acetate and lavandulyl acetate are most desirable. Studies show that linalyl acetate has relaxing effects.
It is the relaxing and calming effects that make lavender oil good for anxiety and stress.
However, there are many other uses of lavender essential oil. These include regulating mood, treating insomnia, nervous stomach, and other gastrointestinal maladies.
Now that you understand why lavender works for anxiety, you are probably wondering how you can best put it to use.
So, below are some of the ways you can use lavender to fight anxiety and stress. I hope you find them helpful!
You can diffuse lavender oil with a diffuser or just add a few drops on cotton balls placed inside a glass cup. Place the glace cup near you so you can inhale the oil.
Five or 6 drops of lavender essential oil (or a blend – see below for other essential oils you can add) in an aromatherapy nasal inhaler works great also. The best part about this method? It is portable. You can carry it with you!
You can even get better results by adding a few drops each of other essential oils for anxiety.
Other essential oils for anxiety/stress include: Sandalwood, sweet basil, clary sage and geranium. Also, neroli and ylang ylang in very small amounts – 1 or 2 drops at the most!
Taking a relaxing bubble bath is an excellent way to ease the anxieties and stresses of the day out of your mind.
Therefore, consider getting a sealable container to add your very own lavender bubble bath to. You’ll need:
Add ingredients to a mixing bowl and gently mix them together. When thoroughly combined, feel free to pour it into your personally selected glass container.
To use: Pour approximately 1/4 cup of mix to bath as the water is running (running water helps to create the bubbles).
With anxiety and stress, as we discussed previously, comes sleep disturbances. Try this soothing balm to give yourself a good night’s rest. You’ll need:
Steep the flowers and lemon balm in coconut oil in a 200-degree oven for about three hours. Strain that oil into a glass container.
Then add it to the beeswax in a pot on the stovetop at low heat. Let it melt. Turn the stove off and add 5-10 drops of lavender essential oil and 10 drops of Vitamin E oil. Pour the whole thing into a dry, sealable, glass container.
If you have never used a certain essential oil it is important to do a skin patch test prior to topically using! See my sections on topical use and other essential oil safety concerns:
Let us know how these recipes work for you and if you have further recommendations, share them in our comments section.
Radha Beauty Lavender Essential Oil 4 Oz – 100% Pure
NOW Foods Lavender Essential Oil 100% Pure, 2 ounce
Majestic Pure Lavender Essential Oil, Therapeutic Grade, 4 fl. Oz
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This article is for educational and informational purposes only and does not intend to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition. It is always recommended that you seek the advise of your private medical doctor.