Finding the best natural ways to reduce stress and anxiety can help you beat these maladies effectively and SAFELY.
When anxiety and stress begin to interfere with your life and its daily functions, it’s time to discover a means in which to address the problem.
A lot of times prescriptions medications are prescribed for these symptoms. Sometimes they are a good thing, but other times the pharmaceutical causes troubling side effects instead.
Thankfully, there are a slew of all-natural methods to deal with these maladies.
So, if you’re struggling with stress and anxiety, hopefully these natural options will be beneficial to you. I hope these are new ideas for you to add to your arsenal of treatment possibilities.
Even though I believe in using natural options as much as possible there are times when one needs to seek professional help. If you are feeling very overwhelmed, feeling so stressed that you cannot function, or feel that you might harm yourself, or someone else it is time to seek professional help!! A counselor, a behavioral health physician or psychologist may be the person you need to turn to for help.
Exercise is one of the best natural ways to reduce stress and anxiety. This is because it helps to release endorphin in the brain. This is the chemical that acts as mood enhancer, which helps you feel more relaxed and less stressed or anxious.
Exercise also helps to improve sleep quality, which plays a vital role in regulating stress hormones.
Chamomile tea is one of my favorite natural anxiety and stress busters and it has long been known for its ability to promote relaxation.
This is due to the fact that it contains luteonlin and apigenin. Both of which are chemicals known for their ability to induce relaxation.
In fact, a study put out by the University of Pennsylvania’s Medical Center discovered that anxiety symptoms were decreased in patients who took 8 weeks of chamomile supplements.
Drinking 3 cups of chamomile tea a day when you’re feeling anxious may help calm your mind and reduce your anxiety level.
Sunbest Organic Chamomile Flowers, Egyptian, Whole / Loose, Caffeine Free, Herbal Tea 16 Oz
Choice Organic Fair Trade Caffiene Free Chamomile Herbal Tea, 3 Count
Experts believe that Omega 3s can lower the levels of chemicals known to cause stress: cortisol and adrenaline.
This reduction could possibly ease symptoms of anxiety. Israeli researchers discovered that students using fish oil supplements reported a decrease in anxiety while their cortisol levels and sleeping habits supported that as well.
You can get omega 3 from fish, flax seeds, walnuts and other nuts or by supplementation.
There are several calming essential oils for anxiety and stress you can take advantage of. Diffusing essential oils such as Lavender can go a long way in your fight to beat stress and anxiety.
Radha Beauty Lavender Essential Oil 4 Oz – 100% Pure & Natural
Plant Therapy Ylang Ylang Essential Oil. 100% Pure, 1/3 oz
Vetiver (Large 4 ounce) Best Essential Oil
You can add L-lysine to your diet by incorporating more meat, fish, and beans. The great thing about L-lysine is its ability to reduce the levels of stress hormones that generate symptoms of anxiety.
It’s an amino acid, a building block of the brain’s neurotransmitters. And, it can be taken in oral supplements too if necessary.
Sunlight makes many of us smile…that’s why we all love summer! It has an intriguing ability to make you feel good when in its presence.
In fact, I recommend spending 15 minutes in natural sunlight each day. Take a break and enjoy the sunshine!
A Japanese study showed that taking a sunlit tour through a forest for 20 minutes can decrease stress hormone levels.
Besides, sunlight increases Vitamin-D which has long been known to decrease depression and anxiety.
Epsoak Epsom Salt 5lbs Magnesium Sulfate USP
Surely, we can all agree that hot baths are soothing in and of themselves.
And this is why it is in our list of natural ways to reduce stress and anxiety.
Scientifically, raising body temperature may actually help regulate anxiety and other mood issues.
Adding Epsom salt, which contains a decent amount of magnesium sulfate, has been shown to lower blood pressure and calm anxiety.
Adding vanilla and lavender will add even further calming effects.
Because adrenaline is considered a stress hormone, things that stimulate it should be avoided.
And, caffeine is definitely an adrenaline stimulant. That makes it something you should reduce.
As much as you would like to drink coffee, you should get used to the decaf kind to help alleviate your anxiety symptoms.
There are a number of herbs that can make a tremendous difference in the frequency and onset of anxiety and stress-related symptomology.
I suggest looking into the following herbs for reduction of stress and anxiety*:
*Talk with your doctor before using, as some of these herbs can interact with prescription medication(s)!
Anxiety and stress are quite troublesome, learning how to cope with them and perhaps treat them, can be quite beneficial.
Please let us know which all-natural options on our list are working for you. And, if you have additional suggestions on how to reduce stress and anxiety naturally, feel free to share them in our comments section.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This article is for educational and informational purposes only and does not intend to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition. It is always recommended that you seek the advise of your private medical doctor.
I needed this article today! Thanks!! I have been told Epsom Salt baths are the way to go.