DIY Clove Cardamom Cinnamon Sugar Scrub Recipe

Homemade Cinnamon Sugar Body Scrub
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Homemade Clove Cardamom Cinnamon Sugar Scrub Recipe!

I tried this clove cardamom cinnamon sugar scrub recipe and fell in love with it because of how it made my skin feel and look. So I decided to share it with you, I hope you will love it too.

(Initially this recipe was just clove and cinnamon, but due to a concern that cinnamon essential oil can cause skin irritation the recipe was changed)

DIY Clove Cinnamon Sugar ScrubWhen it comes to finding the perfect skincare regimen it seems to be a challenge for the most part but taking care of your skin is so important for many reasons.

In the warmer months, you are faced with the heat and the sun rays that can cause damage to your skin.

However, sweating is an excellent mechanism that helps in keeping your skin healthy due to its ability to unclog pores.

In the cooler months, your skin tends to lose moisture, oil and its natural glow, which in return causes dry and flaky skin that is prone to irritation.

One remedy that is beneficial to your skin, no matter the weather, is sugar scrubs. Sugar scrubs are incredibly moisturizing and exfoliating to the skin. It helps to remove the dead skin cells leaving your skin silky smooth.

Sugar has several benefits for your skin. First of all, it is a natural humectant, drawing moisture from the environment into the skin.

Second of all, sugar is a natural source of glycolic acid, which generates younger-looking skin. And of course, sugar is a natural exfoliate.

My rule of thumb is this, if you can consume it (sugar), then it is safe for your skin.

For this clove Cardamom cinnamon sugar scrub recipe, I like to do a mixture of brown and white sugar, mainly for the fragrance that brown sugar provides.

Brown sugar is also less coarse than white sugar, thus a mixture of the two provides the right texture/abrasion.

When combined with clove and cinnamon essential oils, you have a scrub that smells good enough to eat!

I use vitamin E oil as a carrier oil because of its skin cell regenerating properties.

Clove essential oil, not only has skin healing effects, but it also contains antimicrobial and antifungal properties which help to treat acne and other skin conditions.

Cardamom is rich in compounds that may fight inflammation. It has antioxidants, which can protect the cells from damage. Antioxidants are also thought to stop inflammation from occurring.

Cardamom is also often used as a substitute for cinnamon in culinary dishes due to similar taste and smell. For me it is a great substitute as an essential oil in place of cinnamon.

Cinnamon bark essential oil contains cinnamaldehyde, which has been found to reduce inflammation.

Because cinnamon bark oil is quite a potent substance, due to its high concentration (around 80%) of cinnamaldehyde, it is recommended to use it in very low dose percentages on the skin. One to two drops per 30-40 ml is recommended (this is around 0.07% dilution)!

Sugar scrubs usually have a shelf-life of 3-4 months. Not only do sugar scrubs help make your skin feel amazing immediately after use, but they also make you smell delicious!

Clove Cinnamon Sugar Scrub Recipe

Clove Cardamom Cinnamon Sugar Scrub Recipe


Benefits of Ingredients

  • Sugar is a natural humectant, drawing moisture from the environment into the skin, a natural source of glycolic acid which generates younger-looking skin and a natural exfoliate
  • Brown sugar is soft on the skin and a wonderful natural fragrance and less abrasive
  • Vitamin E oil helps regenerate your skin cells to promote healthier skin
  • Cinnamon and cardamom essential oils are thought to help reduce inflammation. Both also provide warm inviting scents.
  • Clove essential oil is used for natural skin healing agents, antimicrobial and antifungal properties. It is used to treat acne and other skin conditions. Plus it also has a wonderful scent

DIY Cinnamon Body Scrub


  1. Combine your white sugar, brown sugar and vitamin e oil together in a bowl
  2. Mix together until the oil is absorbed into the sugar
  3. Add in the essential oils and stir to ensure that the oils are mixed in well
  4. Next, spoon out your mixture into your container and store away

How to Use this Clove Cardamom Cinnamon Sugar Body Scrub

Massage the sugar scrub mixture all over your body using your hands or a loofah pouf. I recommend using the sugar scrub twice a week to eliminate the dead skin cells so your skin will look younger and healthier.

Sugar Scrubs also makes great gifts. Everyone loves to be pampered and have their skin silky smooth!  Make a jar for yourself and one to share!

Safety First When Using Essential Oils

This blend is for adults. Cardamom can cause breathing and central nervous system problems in young children!

If you are on medications, or have health problems it is always best to talk with your physician before using essential oils!

If you have never used a certain essential oil it is important to do a skin patch test prior to topically using! See my sections on topical use and other essential oil safety concerns:

Related: Homemade Whipped Body Butter
DIY Clove Orange Cinnamon Sugar Body Scrub

Homemade Cinnamon Sugar Body Scrub

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This article is for educational and informational purposes only and does not intend to diagnose or treat any disease. It is always recommended that you seek the advise of your private medical doctor.

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